The Trump Administration on this day . . . February 8, 2020
On February 5, 2020, President Trump was a acquitted of two Articles of Impeachment: #1-
Abuse of Power and #2-
Obstruction of Justice pertaining to withholding of congressional-approved military aid to the Ukraine in exchange for, (1) investigation of the Bidens and the alleged Ukraine influence in the 2016 elections; and, (2) refusal to release documents germane to the proceedings or to allow subpoenas to be fulfilled.
The President was Impeached by the House of Representatives late in 2019. An undertaking led by Congressional Democrats. The recent Senate trial ended without witnesses; and the final vote was along party lines--save GOP Senator. Mitt Romney, who, in a rare act of personal courage, voted to impeach and remove his President from office on Article one:
Abuse of Power.
On November 11, 2016 I wrote a Post encouraging our new president to create an inclusive and just administration. And I wished him the best as he undertook his duties.
Below is an excerpt from that Post. In my mind, he has failed us miserably. If you hold the following as true, what say you now?
"Dear President Trump,
. . . Are you ready to act with restraint, instead of anger? Are you ready to forego the pithy one-liners and take the time to frame your comments so as to calm and unite? Now secure in the White House, can you set aside your personal beliefs to attend to another's unlike beliefs in a gesture of compromise?
It is said that you do not fail, ever...I say, President Trump, that you are already set to fail unless you create a diverse cabinet and set of advisers--made up of "yay-sayers" and "nay-sayers" of every ethnic, religious and gender background.
If your are sincere in your desire to unite America, you must stand outside Democratic and Republican boundaries and embrace the Whole nation. Every citizen young and old. You must take the time to explain to Americans that no single person or group can have it their way all the time; that you will identify and address the country's greatest needs first and foremost, thereby creating a bridge between opposing parties and ideologies.
If those trampled down are not lifted up, you have failed. If the rich get richer and poor, poorer, you have failed. If people cannot afford education, healthcare and the basics of daily living and sustenance, you have failed. If under your guidance the world becomes more volatile, you have failed. If the misplaced and displaced continue to go homeless and abandoned, you have failed.
To unite, you must invest in the tools of kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Weapons of mass destruction and precision have no place here. . . .
ADDENDUM: While the Senate vote merely pounds another nail into our critically wounded Democracy, I am most troubled by the millions of Americans who don't seem to care what our president says: that it is okay to molest women, that All Hispanics are potential drug addicts, rapists and murderers. A man who disparages entire cultures for the actions of the few. Who abandons allies who gave their lives in the fight against Isis...I speak of the Kurds. Who believes assassination is acceptable...the outcome of which ends in the loss of over 100 innocent lives. And worst of all, who uses Executive Power as if he were King!
A man who takes revenge, verbally and otherwise, on those who disagree with him. A man who pushes us to the edge of world war by touting American might and weaponry. Who daily disparages someone, somewhere.
Arrogance is not character trait that makes a good leader. Wealth does not make a good leader. Lying does not make a good leader. But this is what we have in the White House, along with attendants who happily perpetuate the same in his name.
Remember, America, that we are not that far from Russia, China, North Korea or the Middle East. We are not without risk of nuclear disaster on our own soil. Worst of all, as long as this man is in the White House, nuclear destruction is a real possibility.
In the same vane, Global warming is a living breathing reality. Greta Thunburg is breath of freshness in the midst of powerful world leaders without backbone to do the right thing.
Because of executive orders, our natural areas and parks are in danger of commercial development which will turn them into high rise motels and parking lots.
The poor grow in numbers. Health care remains unaffordable. Low income and part time jobs pay a fraction of the cost of living. College debt is deplorable. All of which are a disgrace in a nation that prides itself on the maxim
". . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all."
What do you want for your children and grandchildren? What are you leaving them? Do you really want them to be like our President? If you do, I weep for you! And, I weep for them!