© 2010

© 2010
The Journey ahead is about all of us.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


To end the violence, love each other.  Do not judge, for once you judge, you lock the door to friendship and understanding.

Lay down your guns and extend the hand of acknowledgment to a stranger.  If you are afraid of another, pause to see the fear in his or her eyes.

Throughout history we have employed two tools to confront fear:


Weapons in the hands of the powerful are quick and deadly.  They create terror among those upon whom they are unleashed.  Weapons perpetuate violence.  They do not heal; they divide.

Love needs no arsenal.  It is readily available to all.  It comes from the quiet place we call "heart".  It is sometimes shy, uncertain.  Sometimes bold and invigorating.  It builds bridges.  It walks in another's footsteps so that it can share another's pain, abandonment and humanity.  It realizes that we are more alike than different.  That we each desire life, hope, home, food and safety.

Love is everywhere, but we find little mention of it in public discourse and media.

When has casting stones back and forth ever created unity and cooperation?

In the end, it is up to us, you and I.  It always was and it always will be.  Most of us may not be in any Who's Who, but we are no less remarkable human beings.  And we are powerful!

Love today--right where you stand. Share a smile.  A compliment.  Buy coffee or breakfast for a stranger. Stop to let a car in front of you. "Walk ten steps" in a friend's, colleague's, spouse's, child's shoes before you speak in rebuke. Learn to think love.  Touch your breastbone and say "heart" each time you are challenged by people and events.

Send out good thoughts and support, even when it's an effort, until it becomes your first and only response.

"#Heart."  "#Heart."  "#Heart."