© 2010

© 2010
The Journey ahead is about all of us.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020

We need a Leader in DC

Open letter to: Congress

I am mad.  Mad.  

Please, please find a better spokespersons for the Covid-19 daily news briefings from the White House (health experts exempted).  This is not a time to beat around the bush.  The President inspires no confidence at all. Today he talked about an entirely different topic, which ,while notable, was out of place.  He calls the virus the "Chinese Virus" as if he has to blame someone for his lot in the world right now.  He touts his greatness at every turn.  He seems bored by the whole ordeal and is more concerned about the stock market and his economic legacy than the people who are facing long term, traumatic deprivation.

He tells states to figure out their own problems and talks in phrases like the whatever it is. . . ". . .  is good, very good."  Or he denies the possibility of an unemployment rate of 20%...making note that "we're not looking into that".

Vice President Pence's every other sentence is followed by praise of the President.  He too offers no guidance or leadership.  

If you study the Second World War, Roosevelt and Churchill retrofitted daily production operations, turning them into planes, bombs, bullets, ships and every other necessity to defeat Hitler.  And by a magnitude that was a miracle.  In March 2020 all we can talk about is how we don't want to "over stock masks and ventilators...because..."what if you buy them and don't use the."  Also, "the tests are coming. The tests are coming."  Where are they?  Money rules our world.  And by that very fact people will die by default.

Is there no one in DC who can truly lead us now?  If not.  Find somebody!  America will survive.  But at what cost.  Governors are stepping up.  Taking charge.  Where are you and your colleagues?

Sunday, February 9, 2020

My Vote Counts

On November 3, 2020 I will vote for the Candidates who most exemplify the following:

Accepts All . . . without caveat
Does not belittle or embarrass his/her opponents
Tells us what is possible and what is not . . . tells the truth
Does not employ mudslinging as a campaign strategy
Works to mend fences internationally and at home
Works for All the people, not just those who vote for them
Aknowledges America's part in the mayhem and hate that exists in our world
Rejoins the Climate Pact and takes immediate action
Stops building walls and listens to the displaced . . . without prejudice
Does not blame whole nations for the actions of a few
Will not seek to be King, but to serve all Americans

In other words, I am looking for a man/woman of integrity.  Who listens to all sides, admits when he/she is wrong and does not belittle or dismiss those who disagree or tell the truth.  Who strives to walk in the shoes of all men/women/children when making decisions.  Who understands that it is not us against them, but us with them that will save our world.  And, most of all, who attends to the voices of the young, for they are our future!  They see what we fear to see.  They act while we argue. They will inherit what we leave them.  They expect more. They deserve more!

Below is "who" I  will vote for.  And I will display it proudly!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Trump Administration on this day . . . February 8, 2020

On February 5, 2020, President Trump was a acquitted of two Articles of Impeachment: #1-Abuse of Power and #2-Obstruction of Justice pertaining to withholding of congressional-approved military aid to the Ukraine in exchange for, (1) investigation of the Bidens and the alleged Ukraine influence in the 2016 elections; and, (2) refusal to release documents germane to the proceedings or to allow subpoenas to be fulfilled.

The President was Impeached by the House of Representatives late in 2019.  An undertaking led by Congressional Democrats.  The recent Senate trial ended without witnesses; and the final vote was along party lines--save GOP Senator. Mitt Romney, who, in a rare act of personal courage, voted to impeach and remove his President from office on Article one: Abuse of Power.

On November 11, 2016 I wrote a Post encouraging our new president to create an inclusive and just administration.  And I wished him the best as he undertook his duties. 

Below is an excerpt from that Post.  In my mind, he has failed us miserably.  If you hold the following as true, what say you now?

"Dear President Trump,

. . . Are you ready to act with restraint, instead of anger?  Are you ready to forego the pithy one-liners and take the time to frame your comments so as to calm and unite?  Now secure in the White House, can you set aside your personal beliefs to attend to another's unlike beliefs in a gesture of compromise?

It is said that you do not fail, ever...I say, President Trump, that you are already set to fail unless you create a diverse cabinet and set of advisers--made up of "yay-sayers" and "nay-sayers" of every ethnic, religious and gender background.

If your are sincere in your desire to unite America, you must stand outside Democratic and Republican boundaries and embrace the Whole nation.  Every citizen young and old.  You must take the time to explain to Americans that no single person or group can have it their way all the time; that you will identify and address the country's greatest needs first and foremost, thereby creating a bridge between opposing parties and ideologies.

If those trampled down are not lifted up, you have failed.  If the rich get richer and poor, poorer, you have failed.  If people cannot afford education, healthcare and the basics of daily living and sustenance, you have failed.   If under your guidance the world becomes more volatile, you have failed.  If the misplaced and displaced continue to go homeless and abandoned, you have failed.

To unite, you must invest in the tools of kindness, compassion and forgiveness.  Weapons of mass destruction and precision have no place here. . . .

: While the Senate vote merely pounds another nail into our critically wounded Democracy, I am most troubled by the millions of Americans who don't seem to care what our president says: that it is okay to molest women, that All Hispanics are potential drug addicts, rapists and murderers.  A man who disparages entire cultures for the actions of the few.  Who abandons allies who gave their lives in the fight against Isis...I speak of the Kurds.  Who believes assassination is acceptable...the outcome of which ends in the loss of over 100 innocent lives.  And worst of all, who uses Executive Power as if he were King!

A man who takes revenge, verbally and otherwise, on those who disagree with him.  A man who pushes us to the edge of world war by touting American might and weaponry.  Who daily disparages someone, somewhere.

Arrogance is not character trait that makes a good leader.  Wealth does not make a good leader.  Lying does not make a good leader.  But this is what we have in the White House, along with attendants who happily perpetuate the same in his name.

Remember, America, that we are not that far from Russia, China, North Korea or the Middle East.  We are not without risk of nuclear disaster on our own soil.  Worst of all, as long as this man is in the White House, nuclear destruction is a real possibility.

In the same vane, Global warming is a living breathing reality.  Greta Thunburg is breath of freshness in the midst of powerful world leaders without backbone to do the right thing.

Because of executive orders, our natural areas and parks are in danger of commercial development which will turn them into high rise motels and parking lots.

The poor grow in numbers.  Health care remains unaffordable.  Low income and part time jobs pay a fraction of the cost of living.  College debt is deplorable.  All of which are a disgrace in a nation that prides itself on the maxim ". . . life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all."

What do you want for your children and grandchildren?  What are you leaving them?  Do you really want them to be like our President?  If you do, I weep for you!  And, I weep for them!

Friday, January 24, 2020


Why are we afraid  . . .

. . . of kindness, trust, honesty and compassion as a way of life--a way of political diplomacy?

Why is . . . 

. . . the Left wrong and the Right, right?  Or visa versa?

Why do . . .

. . . we still believe our leaders will save us?  We must save ourselves.

Greta Thunberg is a beacon of light in a lopsided world.  The thing about billions of people being off kilter is that such a light will scatter to places it might not otherwise reach.  Greta understands that the world will change only if she and we stand up to be counted--not by words alone, but by actions of love, acceptance, non-judgment, peace and the embracing of world citizenship.

The Democrats are risking their political careers to bring to light the clear misdeeds of a President unsuited for office.  If their efforts fall on the deaf ears of their opponents, then millions of voters must take up their work and see it through on election day.

Courage is not easy.  Courage is hard.  No one is perfect, but each of us knows, if only deep within, when a wrong has been done.  A President serves at the behest of the people.  He is not above the people or the law.

If he is...he is a King!  Right  now we are  perilously close to such a state of affairs in Washington, DC.  Many of our elected leaders act as a Whole, not as individuals with a conscience that weighs, without bias, what has been presented.

America will survive as a piece of earth situated in North America.  But will we survive as a living, breathing Democracy where no single person is a law unto themselves?

Monday, July 15, 2019


We Humans are the only species on earth that hate. We are also the only species completely in charge of our own destinies.

America is the greatest experiment in world history.  It is no accident that we are geographically removed from all other continents.  You might say we were given this piece of earth so that we could not only imagine the concept of a free and equal society, but also make it reality.

No one ever believed it would be easy.  No one ever believed it would happen quickly, or without dissension and angst.  Ideas are starting points: the Title of the novel, if you will. And this particular novel is not yet finished.  In fact, it is fair to say it will never be finished.

In 1861 President Lincoln pronounced that "a country divided against itself cannot stand." Thus began the Civil War.  Six-hundred-twenty thousand combatants died.  Some 50,000 civilians perished along with them.

It was a bitter time in our country and it ended with the assassination of Lincoln on April 14, 1865, just five days after the surrender of Confederate forces on April 9th.

While there was more than one reason for the Civil War, at its apex was slavery.  The perceived right of some individuals to own others whom they thought inferior.  Even Lincoln considered the black man and woman less than he and his counterparts.  But Lincoln also believed that every person had the "inalienable" right to chart their own destiny; and that no man or woman should be held in chains, or otherwise, against his or her will.

The Civil War set the black man and woman free, but it was a tortured freedom that continued to kill and abuse them for nearly one-hundred additional years.  Then, on two separate occasions in 1955, Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks refused to give up their seats on a bus to a white person. Soon the movement for Black rights, Civil Rights, gained momentum.  Its chosen leader was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Forty-one people lost their lives during those trying years, which fatefully ended with the assassination of Dr. King, in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968.

We are humans first and Americans second.  "American" is a title that places us within a certain group, which in turn supposedly distinguishes us (one could say "separates us") from other groups with different names.  But every person on earth was Human first; and only humans--all seven billion-plus working together--can rid the world of hate.

Sadly, in 2019 hate looms larger than it has in many decades.  In America and many other parts of the educated and free world, individuals and groups are rising once again to question who deserves to be a part of their exclusive groups, who is worthy of their respect and who deserves their disdain.

The Internet and the Cell phone make every voice available every moment of every day. And we humans are easy prey to the spoken or texted word.  In turn, we often blindly accept as absolute truth that which is said by those we support or admire.  In the process, we surrender our own voices, our own thoughts. Our natural inclination to question. To step back and listen. To consider.  To not judge.  

To make up our own minds.

The first people to settle in North America are known today as "Native Americans": The rest of us came later and from somewhere else: among these peoples were the Spanish, French, Irish, Germans, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Russians, Southeast Asians, Cubans, Mexicans, Jews, Indians and Middle Easterners.  In other words, a sampling of the richness of the whole world has made its home somewhere in the U.S.  We once touted ourselves as the "melting pot" of the world.  Today it has become a "dirty word."

When our founding fathers penned the phrase "all men are created equal", they did not say "except . . .."  No such caveat was appended.  Many respected scientists would add that we all originated from a common Mother who lived somewhere in Africa.  That possibility alone should give us pause to reconsider how we view each other and the world.

So why do we continue to hate those unlike us on the outside?  Why do we believe that people from certain countries are thieves, rapists and useless?  Did the Civil War, Civil Rights and Gay right's battles teach us nothing?  Do we really want to spend our days and nights hating others while the world is begging us to focus our energies elsewhere?

Our children and their children are inheriting a world that desperately needs cooperation, tolerance and compassion. And these are but the starting points.  Future generations will have little time to hate.  They will be too busy dealing with our current sluggish response to a planet devastated by division and reckless use of resources.

Global warming is a fact, even if we don't want to admit it.  The world's population is growing by the Billions.  Money cannot solve these problems because it cannot rid the world of division. It cannot rid it of hate.  Only human actions can.

Hate is a weapon as deadly as a gun. And on this day, July 17, 2019, we are a nation divided against ourselves.  We have no functioning Democracy.  On one side stand the Democrats and their followers.  On the other, the Republicans and their followers.  All other parties melt into the landscape.

Thankfully, newer members of Congress are speaking their minds.  They have made it clear that they value our founding fathers’ dream; and they will not be silenced.  They are searching, as are many Americans and the rest of the world, for the once-was concept called the "American Dream."  They were not elected to be a part of “group think."  They were elected to get us back on track.

I congratulate them for their courage.  And I stand with them in their fight to find Democracy and restore it to its rightful place.

As song writer Irving Berlin wrote so many years ago--the text of which is etched into America's most cherished icon, the Statue of Liberty, which in turn welcomed thousands of refugees and immigrants to our Eastern shores: 

"Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


To end the violence, love each other.  Do not judge, for once you judge, you lock the door to friendship and understanding.

Lay down your guns and extend the hand of acknowledgment to a stranger.  If you are afraid of another, pause to see the fear in his or her eyes.

Throughout history we have employed two tools to confront fear:


Weapons in the hands of the powerful are quick and deadly.  They create terror among those upon whom they are unleashed.  Weapons perpetuate violence.  They do not heal; they divide.

Love needs no arsenal.  It is readily available to all.  It comes from the quiet place we call "heart".  It is sometimes shy, uncertain.  Sometimes bold and invigorating.  It builds bridges.  It walks in another's footsteps so that it can share another's pain, abandonment and humanity.  It realizes that we are more alike than different.  That we each desire life, hope, home, food and safety.

Love is everywhere, but we find little mention of it in public discourse and media.

When has casting stones back and forth ever created unity and cooperation?

In the end, it is up to us, you and I.  It always was and it always will be.  Most of us may not be in any Who's Who, but we are no less remarkable human beings.  And we are powerful!

Love today--right where you stand. Share a smile.  A compliment.  Buy coffee or breakfast for a stranger. Stop to let a car in front of you. "Walk ten steps" in a friend's, colleague's, spouse's, child's shoes before you speak in rebuke. Learn to think love.  Touch your breastbone and say "heart" each time you are challenged by people and events.

Send out good thoughts and support, even when it's an effort, until it becomes your first and only response.

"#Heart."  "#Heart."  "#Heart."

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 New Year, New Day

In 2016 we elected Donald Trump President of the United States.  Those who voted for him expect him to make their lives better.  Every President has, more or less, been elected under the same mandate.

History, however, tells a different story.  The world in which we live was built  by us, you and I, the common people.  And only you and I can make it better.  If you want a better life and a safer, kinder world, then start by changing the environment in which you live.  Begin with kindness, compassion, trust and forgiveness.  Elect leaders who exhibit these in abundance.  Without this foundation, nothing can change.

In turn, our leaders are human beings like ourselves.  They will never meet all our expectations because such a feat is impossible for any single person.

And finally, remember, a CEO of a corporation has employees who answer to him.  The President answers to Us.

Our World, not his.  Our life, not his.  Our future, not his.

If you really want a better world, only you have the power to make it so!